Willing to Pay Whatever it Costs?

On 15th October, 2020, I sought counsel from a dear friend of mine, Tony, concerning a challenging issue I was facing in my ministry at the Newman Baptist Church in Western Australia (5,000 kms from my wife and home at Queensland).

After our Skype session, I forwarded a short ‘thank you’ email to Tony.  He responded with… “I admire all the energy you have and the valuable input you are giving to that church at Newman. They should be so pleased with your commitment, work ethic, and no-nonsense get on with it and ‘take no prisoners’ attitude. All that and your willingness to listen to God and to see His evident hand at work in the fruit that is coming from your labour. Any other interim ‘career pastor’ may be more pleased with doing the bare minimum and sitting in a nearby gorge and relax but not you mate. You have left family and devoted yourself to the work at hand. Well done brother.”

Not intending to forward a lengthy response, I found myself writing… “Thank you, Tony, for your kind thoughts. We’ve known each other for 30 years. We are the real deal in living-out our faith until the very end. We’re not resting on our past experiences but continuing to motor-on with the Lord, journeying further and higher with Him… more than we had ever imagined. I find myself at an amazing new place in my life with the Lord – seeing more than ever before! The more I see the more I desire to advance further with Him. I am not feeling my age as, daily, I’m being inspired and energised by His Spirit.

Tony, the well-being of human lives is at stake. So many Believers here are caught-up and enslaved by the temporal world… spiritually blind, they can’t see themselves as they should… working ridiculously long hours for large sums of money at the cost of depriving themselves of essential, quality time with the Lord, their spouses and children.

It’s not in me to use the ‘retirement card’ to go home to take it easy. The work here is urgent and critical… more important than retreating to relax at home. The only element missing from my being here is my wife. I’m concerned for her. However, our sacrifice in being apart is outweighed by miraculous outcomes… too many to document. Sorry, mate… I’ve written more than I had intended. Thank you for your encouragement.”

Friends, my choice to follow Jesus in life and service has been costly… demanding my everything! (Luke 9:23.) But… He paid a greater price to save me, and you.

Best wishes
Bill Joukhadar

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